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ECMPS Support Blog

Volunteers Wanted

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hands Raised (to volunteer)There are two ways to install the Client Tool. The first, which is the more common, is called the stand-alone version. The stand-alone version installs the Client Tool application and the Client Tool database on the same computer.
Stand Alone Setup

The second type of installation is the shared, network database type. With the second type of setup, the Client Tool application is installed on multiple computers in order for the computers to connect to a single Client Tool database. The Client Tool database is installed on a separate server which is accessed through the company's network by the individual C lient Tool applications.Shared Network Database Setup

The functionality of the shared, network database installation of the Client Tool continues to be developed. CAMD would like to have more information on the various business processes that are being used in order to better understand how the shared, network setup is being used and possible ways it could be modified to better support the various ways that companies are using the software.

At the Stakeholder Meeting in St. Louis in May, CAMD asked for stakeholders to volunteer to participate in a shared, network database users' forum. The basic idea would be to present the current model for the shared, network database setup and describe how it can support various business models. Then participants could provide feedback in reaction to the current setup and how it might be modified to support their business processes. The actual format might be one or two conference calls with follow-up via emails.

If you have not already volunteered and are interested in participating in the shared, network users' forum, send an email to technical support.


Preparing for 2009 Q2: Database Changes Are Included

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Server and workstationsAs a heads up to stakeholders who use shared databases, the ECMPS Client Tool 2009 Quarter 2 Release will include database changes.

Users should be in contact with the necessary IT support staff in order to be able to run the script that will update the database to the 2009 Quarter 2 Release version.

The general order of the update to 2009 Quarter 2 Release should be:
  1. Run the script to update the shared database.

  2. Update the individual Client Tool installations.
The individual Client Tool installations can be done at each computer using the Update Service. (Here is a tutorial on the Update Service.)

For more detailed instructions, see the Update Existing Shared Database and Client Tool Software Web page. The instructions on this Web page will give IT people a sense of what will need to be done to complete the update. When the 2009 Quarter 2 Release is published on the Web site, these instructions will be updated with the new scripts and any changes to the instructions which are necessary.

Currently, the release is scheduled to be available on June 17, 2009.

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