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Limited Technical Support Until Release of Next Version

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

People waiting in lineIn order to focus on the release of the next version of the ECMPS Client Tool, which is scheduled for September 16th, technical support will be limited from now until the release of the next version.

Any questions submitted will be maintained in the technical support queue, but, depending on the number of requests coming in, it may take somewhat longer than usual for users to receive a response from technical support.

St. Louis Stakeholder Meeting Presentations have been Posted

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Screen shot of Stakeholder Meeting PresentationThe presentations from the St. Louis Stakeholder Meeting have been posted. All of the material which was presented at the May 12, 2009 ECMPS Stakeholder Meeting have been posted on the ECMPS Support Web site.

The presentations are audiovisual presentations broken into the natural sections of the meeting. This allows you to listen to any of the sections of the meeting you would like to listen to rather than trying to find a particular section of the meeting from a longer presentation. The selections include a recap of the first mandatory reporting period under ECMPS.

For the first time, the presentations have both the PowerPoint slides as well as the video of the presenter. In addition, the Client Tool demonstration section is also included.

Please provide us with any feedback on these presentations using the Tutorials and Stakeholder Meeting Feedback form.

Reminder of Planned Outage on Sunday, July 12th from 8 PM to Midnight EDT

Plug out of Electric SocketJust a reminder that there will be a brief, scheduled outage of the EPA Host System on Sunday, July 12th. The EPA Host System will become unavailable for a short time between 8:00 p.m. and midnight EDT. The actual downtime should be less than a half an hour. However, the specific time is not known because there are a number of servers which are involved in this planned outage, and the EPA Host System is only one of these servers. (Note this will also affect access to the CAMD Business System.)

The planned outage is to implement technology to increase the bandwidth of an internal connections within EPA's server infrastructure.

ECMPS users who attempt to connect during the actual time that the EPA Host System is unavailable will receive an error. ECMPS Support is recommending that users NOT attempt to connect to the EPA Host System during the hours of 8:00 p.m. until midnight EDT on Sunday, July 12th in order to avoid any problems.

ECMPS Technical Support Help Desk closed on July 3rd

Fireworks behind the Washington MonumentIn observance of Independence Day, the ECMPS Technical Support Help Desk will be closed on Friday, July 3rd. Technical support will be available again on Monday, July 6th.

The ECMPS Technical Support Help Desk will also be closed on the following upcoming holidays:
  • Labor Day - Monday, September 7, 2009
  • Columbus Day - Monday, October 12, 2009
  • Thanksgiving - Thursday, November 26, 2009
  • Friday after Thanksgiving - Friday, November 27, 2009
  • Christmas - Friday December 25, 2009
You can view the full technical support holiday schedule here